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atelier eura
award winning architect in 
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Crafting Exceptional Spaces

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facade of building with many windows
Collage of window styles

This one is for all the homeowners who live in a conservation area: Remember not to assume that windows can be replaced without planning, regardless of whether there is or not and enforcement of Article 4. 

Additional tip: be very weary of window companies who use blanket statements claiming you do not need permission and reach out to your local authority before buying new windows. 


  • Listed Buildings are a separate matter entirely. Modifying them without permission is a criminal offence here in England. It's therefore crucial to carry out due diligence and apply for Listed Building Consent (LBC) before any works commence. (Feel free to reach out if you're looking for a professional to help with a Listed Building project!)

  • Also, before diving into full replacements, consider whether your existing windows can be repaired, refurbished, or upgraded. Specialist companies offer surveys and detailed schedules of works with associated costs (more on this below).

Back to replacing windows in conservation areas. Do you need Planning Permission for Windows in Conservation Areas ?It is likely that you do and careful consideration will be key to increasing the chances of your project being approved.

Here are some common approaches that can significantly reduce your risks:

  • Approved Precedents: Have neighbours recently received approval for new windows that align with your desired style and materials? Highlighting this in your Design and Access Statement (DAS) can strengthen your case. But be sure you understand the details – obtain photographic evidence and reference the relevant planning permissions on your local authority's website.

  • Preserving Original Features: Replacing traditional sash windows often raises concerns with planning authorities. These windows are a building's eyes, and changing them can significantly impact the streetscape (which is precisely what conservation area status aims to preserve). Pay close attention to architectural details, particularly for sash windows. Consider historic glass types, the presence of lugs (those wedges present under the bar), the width of the glazing bars and rails, and the number of lights/panes or the bar profiles. These details all hint at the building's period and can influence the planning officer's decision. Acknowledge these details in your DAS, explain why repairs are not feasible, and propose windows that meet the expectations of the conservation area.

  • Modern vs Traditional: If you are set on a radically different design, remember that the planning officer's focus is on preserving or enhancing the conservation area. Be very clear in your application documentation how your proposal enhances the area, even if it doesn't strictly preserve it. Consulting your planning records can provide valuable context regarding the likelihood of your proposal's success. If unsure, a pre-application meeting with the planning department can be incredibly helpful.

  • Proactive Approach: In my experience, the most successful way to approach planning applications has been to provide all the information planners need upfront including research and details of the specific window products you plan to use. This demonstrates a proactive approach to finding a suitable solution and reduces the likelihood of conditions being attached to your permission, which can lead to delays. Remember, most planning authorities are under resourced these days, and hence so a detailed application is appreciated.

  • Trickle Vents: A quick side note , for those conservation areas that do not allow trickle vents to be incorporated into window frames, Building Regulations allows for dispensations. However, if you want trickle vents as part of your overall strategy, it's worth explaining this in your planning application to demonstrate your awareness of the context.

By keeping these factors in mind, you'll significantly reduce risks and increase your chances of a successful window replacement project.

Finally, it (hopefully) goes without saying that every project is unique, and so can be the planning requirements of different councils over time. Always research your specific situation or consider appointing a professional to do so for you.

Should you require professional assistance with your application, please don't hesitate to reach out!


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